Immediately the one who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more talents. – Matthew 25:16
John Beckett, a successful businessman from the Midwest, faced a huge challenge. He and a few other businessmen were postured to purchase land in the Midwest that was projected to be one of the most strategic development investments. Yet, God used the vision of Dr. Bill Bright and the testimony of an elderly woman who gave sacrificially to propel him in a completely different direction. John and his wife obeyed God’s call to give all they had set aside for a struggling Christian college in New York instead of going through with the land purchase.
Today, both John and his wife can see how their decision has helped hundreds of young students be trained for Christian leadership. They are modern examples of ten-talent stewards. Rather the real estate, this investment will multiply through the lives of these students and have an incomprehensible impact for the Kingdom.
To do this, we must approach each day with the same sense of urgency of the slave in Matthew 25 that returned the ten talents for the five. He went to work right away! His approach was to trade or exchange that which was of lesser value for something of greater value. This would require “releasing” what he was initially given to invest in that which was of greater value in the eyes of his master.
Giving resources entrusted to us for the advancement of God’s kingdom and glory is foundational to this principle. In Luke 16:9, Jesus says, “And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by means of the wealth of unrighteousness, so that when it fails, they will receive you into the eternal dwellings.” Again, He says in Matthew 6:19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.” The concept here is to trade earthly treasures for eternal treasures that last. How wonderful it will be to meet the faces of those reached for Christ, or those that grew closer to the Lord as a result of our investment and generosity towards His work.
God has entrusted a measure of time, talent and treasure to each one of us. We must consider how can they be traded and invested into eternal matters that will advance God’s kingdom and bring Him glory.
How about you? Have you considered where you can trade earthly treasures for eternal purposes? If so, share what God has revealed. Or, do you have a personal story where you’ve seen God bless your generosity and multiply it? Share with us in the comments below!